Christmas morning is pretty much a pay day for me. We've waited, threatened coal, worried how to get the "it" toy, saved, spent and had sleepless nights all awaiting an early Christmas morning of giving to magic-filled faces and hopefully a handful of smiles. We talked a LOT about giving this Christmas. We did projects as a family and I hope the kids can remember the spirit of giving and not just getting. But getting is fun too.
Poor Mason didn't know what he was in for at the 6:00 waking. We were debating whether to wake him, but how could we not??? Santa must have known we had too MANY baby toys and brought Mason lots of baby food. Maz was stoked! The kids took turns opening gifts for Mason.
Livvy got a pellet gun. She was super happy about that. The gun, her Furby named Lemonade, and her doll horse were her favorite gifts.
Cohen got most of what he wanted. I told him he couldn't change his mind so much becuase Santa couldn't keep up! He did however get the watch he asked Santa for. He was super happy about his Lego kits he got. I wish I recorded his morning. All I could hear from him was screams and shouts and lots of paper ripping. "YYYEESSSS!!!" with his arms all up in the air doing jumps. "I WANTED THIS!" And then he would move to the next gift. It was soo fun to watch. Cohen's favorite gifts were the Ninjago and Sponge Bob Lego sets and his watch.
Coy got the animals he desperately wished for. He LOVES animals so it was not hard to please this little man!
Carter is a tech wiz and was able to help out everyone with the technical difficulties. He is so stinkin' cute!
After opening our family gifts we all headed to Grandma's for Christmas breakfast and more gifts.
By this time Mason was getting super grumpy and ready for a nap. We had SUCH a relaxing day with family and cousins. I think it was the first time I didn't go anywhere and none of my family was with me. It made me miss them but we had a very nice day. LOVE Christmas!!
I do have to give Jeremy a little hard time for this gift, however thoughtful it may be. I pulled this shirt out of the box and just kind of stared at it and then asked J if it was for me. He said yes. "This?" I asked while I held it for him to see. Yes, he said again. I then said, "I am pretty sure that Quicksilver is only made for guys. Roxy is for girl." He assured me it was on the woman's rack. I assured him that it was a mens shirt and definitely not fit on me. BAHAHAHAH!
Other than that shirt, J got me tons of stuff that I totally loved. He is the best!