We headed out to the cabin for conference weekend so the "boys" (Jeff, Jeremy, Jed, Taylor and Jaren) could build the last dormer on the cabin. OOHH how we missed Candice there. She usually buffers me from the rawness of the cabin before I get there. But I quickly went to work cleaning before my sister Holly and her husband Jaren showed up. It was soooo good to have them there. We had a lot of fun chatting and hanging out by the fire. We did get some conference in, but glad it was all recorded at home. There was a lot of chain and hammering going on! Coy absolutely loves Taylor and Taylor is so sweet with him.
Livvy wanted Stacy to "bust out" her old bumbo because Palmer fit it perfectly and was quite happy crawling in and out of it. Livvy had lots of fun with Palmer continually asking what she could do and showing her where the dirt was. She swept and swept and cleaned the bathroom and all the bugs in the tub and pretty much everywhere. She was super happy when we got her up with Averie to spend the night with her cousins.
Coy also loves Holly very much and fell asleep in her arms. I got Jaren yawning too!
We all got warm in the kitchen by turning the oven on and standing around it while I made breakfast. Jeremy made fun of me, but we were quite happy and warm.
In this picture I think you can tell Palmer and Mason are cousins!
Jaren took the kids on MANY MANY 4 wheeler rides. They took off at dark one night and Cohen and Coy got a little scared. Cohen said, "I don't think this was a good idea." and Coy started making a low humming noise quietly to himself because the trees were shaking. Jaren took them safely home. :)
Conference weekend = good time.
Final look of the cabin! It changed the whole look! Thanks for everyone who helped! I think it looks awesome!