Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tending in Castledale/ Noelle's fire

Olivia and I got the chance to tend Holly's kids in Castledale!  Olivia was amazing!  She did so good helping out with the kids, going to the park, and just playing all day... Mason and Colt were...well, let's just say they were getting used to each other!  By the time we were leaving they were getting to be little buddies.  

Early the last morning, we got information that Noelle's house was on fire.  No words can describe the sickening feeling that came over us.  Tears just came.  I felt helpless.  I wanted to be there so bad but knew I couldn't help at this point.  She had excellent friends and neighbors that really came to her rescue.  I called a few of my friends down the street and they brought some clothes, hair stuff anything they thought they could help with.  I couldn't be more grateful to them for helping Noelle when I couldn't.  On our way home from Castledale, Livvy begged to turn the opposite direction so she could go find Scout and be with her.  We decided it wasn't a good idea and she cried for a good hour.  It is hard to watch loved ones suffer this much.  

 To say this was devastating is an understatement.  I can't pretend to know how Noelle felt waking up in the night, getting her family out and having her house burn to the ground all within a short period of time.  I remember just breaking down, desperate to call Noelle and talk but knew she was busy and no point in calling her.  Checking in frequently with Candice and feeling helpless, I couldn't help but feel devastated myself.  Noelle's home was our home away from home.  She opened it freely to us. We are just so happy her family was safe.  Stuff is stuff.

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