Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was a fun day.  With family and food all over how could it be anything but great??  Well... unless you have a sick McCoy and Mason.  Coy couldn't stay awake and his poor body got dragged through the festivities and family pictures.  He smiled best he could!  What a little trooper!!!

We had lots of cousins spend the night, watching movies and playing into the night.  My kids LOVE it.  It makes the best of times and awesome memories.
Taylor tried to get a smile out of this little guy!  He is the best Uncle, always giving my kids extra love.

Oh my heck, my beautiful nieces!  Jensen holding Baby Rome.  

Tradition has it we do the Christmas story and this year was extra special because Grnadma worked really hard to make costumes.  They all were adorable.

At this point I left with my 2 babies to snuggle them into bed.  They had had enough!
This was a section of the family photos we got.  It was the only photo I got for the holiday so it worked.

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