Monday, April 16, 2012


Easter Bunny time! I love this holiday where big secret bunnies sneak around hiding eggs and leaving gifts. But this Easter, Saturday night found me in tears.  I pulled out the bin where I kept Easter fillers and to my surprise it was nearly empty.  Reality set in that I didn't have much to fill their baskets.  I started to cry.  In their basket I had sidewalk chalk, a chocolate Easter Bunny, and Bubble Gum Bubble Tape.  MAN!  I totally dropped the ball.   After a hug from Jeremy and the knowledge that there was nothing I could do because nothing is open in Blanding, I took the jelly beans that I had and put couple in as many eggs as I could and hid them all over.  The next day, Coy was SOOOOO excited.  He kept telling anyone who would listen that the Easter Bunny made a big mess! 
As usual Cohen was super fast and it is hard to get a picture of this cute guy!  He realized that Coy had collected most of the eggs and knew he had to start collecting.  Livvy didn't care much to collect more than the ones she had in front of her.  She is not a big candy girl.
Yep, coy found his basket with the bubble tape and chocolate bunny.  He was happy!
I wasn't totally off my game.  I did manage to get each kid a little toy to hide.  Coy got a "yellow" whatever that thing is!  Scooter??  He is obsessed with yellow.
Livvy got a pair of roller skates and has already ripped holes in her jeans trying them out.
Cohen got a bow and arrow thing.  And yes he did shoot me and lost his privileges for it the rest of the day.
Easter dinner was at Grandma's house.  Most of Jeremy's siblings were in town for a few days and we had fun hanging out with them.  Well... I guess not all of us.  Cohen had been sick with a high fever and breathing problems for days.  I was so worried about him.  He does not do well when he is sick.  Cohen and I missed the annual picnic at Recapture with the family.  I made Jeremy swear to take a ton of pictures and even text Stacy to remind him to do it.  The saddest part is I had the camera on manual and all the pictures he took (about 50 of them) were over exposed and didn't turn out.  Super disappointing but thanks for trying J!
Addi and Livvy were side by side for 4 days.  In this picture Livvy was telling the others what a beautiful Stigma that flower had.  For reals?????? 
We missed having Cohen dress up cause he was too sick to go to church.

Oh my goodness, Coy is so funny.  I was trying to get a good angle with my pregnant belly and was leaning down so he thought he should lean down to take the picture too.  Cute little guy!!!
My sick little Cohen could barely eat.
Livvy in her new Spring outfit.  Noelle bought me some clothes at the new City Center 77 Kids in Salt Lake when I was having some serious shopping withdrawals so I found them and put them in the kids' baskets to fill them up.  She is sure growing up fast!!!

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